
Photos and Biographies > Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, QC, SC, JP

Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, QC, SC, JP

Dr Anthony Francis Neoh, QC, SC, JP

Chairman of the IPCC (Since 2018)

Dr Anthony Neoh started his working career in 1964 as a secondary school mathematics teacher. He then joined the civil service in 1966 first as an Executive Officer and then for the next ten years as an Administrative Officer. He left the civil service in 1980 to practise as a Barrister. In 1990, he was appointed Queen’s Counsel.

He was Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission from 1995 to 1998. He was also the first Asian to be elected Chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions during the same aforementioned period. From late 1998 to June 2004, he was Chief Advisor of the China Securities Regulatory Commission at the personal invitation of the then Premier Zhu Rongji. He was also a member of the Board and Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and was responsible for designing the legal structure for the listing of H shares.

Currently a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore, Dr Neoh held visiting, adjunct and honorary professorships at Peking University, Tsinghua University, China National College of Public Administration, Harvard Law School and other universities. He was also an adviser to the Shenzhen, Tianjian and Fujian Governments.

Since returning to private legal practice in 2004, Dr Neoh has been active in private and public civil litigation and international arbitration work. He currently serves as Chairman of the Asian Academy of International Law.  He is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, CITIC Limited and New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Dr Neoh was appointed as Chairman of IPCC on June 1, 2018.